• The green campus developed by the college is not only a step towards saving the environment but also an addition to the beauty of the campus.
  • Besides providing shade to people, the college is able to save money on electricity bills which is reflected in the past electricity bills.
  • Water conservation methods employed help in maintaining the gardens and keeping the campus green and eco-friendly.
  • The college has composite units and pits for waste management.
  • Eco-campus strategies employed have resulted in one of the beautiful and clean colleges in the vicinity.
  • An MOU was signed with Green Earth NGO that visited the campus. The college received ‘A’ grade for single use plastic free clean and green institute. Our institute is the only institute in Kurukshetra district to receive this award.
  • Environment/Green Audit is conducted regularly and that college has received certificate for clean and green campus.
  • Due to this practice there is an increase in plantation of trees in the campus and the college has more the 250 trees.


  • Healthy growth of plants requires lots of planning. In the summers the area faces water scarcity. In order to meet the requirements we need to hire water tankers.
  • Every year students take admission in the college. Unaware of the green practices of the college the new students destroy plants and flowers due to lack of awareness.
  • Sometimes useful plants get damaged due to change in the weather.
  • Due to natural forces like heavy rains, excessive heat in summer’s plants get destroyed.
  • The Green Campus Initiatives is a rather expensive practice. It needs expert advice and investment of resources.
  • Sufficient manpower is needed to sustainably maintain green practices.
  • Lack of awareness among the students and community towards environmental issues aggravates the problem.
  • Green Campus Initiatives are challenging, so they require determination and a long term commitment from all the stakeholders.


  • The college has displayed various slogans on environmental awareness in the campus     to propagate Green Campaign successfully. These slogans encourage students to protect plants and keep the environment eco-friendly.
  • Use of plastic bags and plastic tea cups is banned in the campus.
  • We make less use of paper by avoiding printing e-mails, we file them on a hard drive.
  • NSS, Environment Cell conducted Tree Plantation Drive, Van Mahotsav, World Environment Day and World Water Day in collaboration with various NGOs.
  • The college conducts awareness programs for staff, students and society for protecting and maintaining environment. Environment awareness programs, rallies, nukkad nataks are conducted on various issues related to environment and health.
  • Tobacco and products made of Tobacco are strictly prohibited in the college premises and consuming tobacco is a punishable offence. The instruction regarding this are given to the students and staff members. Boards are displayed at various places in the college.