Aims & Objectives of the Society

The Association shall be a non-government, non-political, charitable and non-profit making organization devoted to the following aims and objectives:                  

  • To foster the spirit of brotherhood and comradeship amongst the alumni of the college.
  • To arrange and collect funds to finance welfare and other schemes approved by the association including development of infrastructural facilities.
  • To arrange social and culture functions.
  • To support financially poor and needy student for their higher studies.
  • To help the students in placement.
  • To provide a forum for the alumni of the college for exchange of views / ideas on education, cultural, social and academic matters.
  • To publish literatures, papers, journals, directory etc. for fulfillment of objectives of the association.
  • To look after the interests of the alumni of the college.
  • To open branches / chapters of the association in other towns.
  • Alumni Association may seek donations etc. under CSR regulations.
  • The Society will apply for 12A registration and will seek to get exemption for the donors under section 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961.
  • To save daughter, teach daughter, sports culture expand.
  • To provide help to poor persons for marriage of their girls.  
  • To arrange or provide medical facilities and medicines to poor families.  
  • To organize Eyes Camp and provide medical facilities to the persons of home village and native villages.  
  • To provide foods to needy peoples.  
  • To awake the society against Social evils like dowry, oppose intoxication etc.
  • To invest and deal with the funds or money of the society.
  • To do all other acts in furtherance of the objectives of the association.
  • To run others public welfare activities.