Today, there is a great need for conservation because of the emerging environmental problems. The main cause behind these problems is that human beings are consuming natural resources at a pace quicker than they can be replenished. Pollution is aggravating day by day due to deforestation and urbanization. The relationship between SNRL Jairam Girls College and nature is a long and enduring one, of which students and staff of the college are aware of. The college is situated in a green area, surrounded by plants and Saraswati River. Construction covers 22 % area of the campus while the rest is categorized as playground, lawns and gardens. A huge area is left in its natural form that acts as a natural habitat for biodiversity. The variety of species of grasses, herbs, shrubs, and trees also help in the recharging of groundwater. The college is consistently working towards creating and maintaining an eco-friendly and clean campus.
Cutting trees on the campus is strictly prohibited. Our college plants new saplings every year and maintains herbal garden. Our campus is plastic-free, only steel crockery is used in the college canteen, hostel mess, and kitchen of the college. Environment-friendly energy-saving electrical appliances that reduce waste emission have been installed. The electrical wiring is protected against leakage and short circuit at two levels: at one MCBs have been installed on all floors, and at the second, 95% CFL and conventional light sources have been replaced with LED lights. The college uses solar energy and practices in water harvesting.
A) Plantation:
- Various species of plants are planted at defined intervals in the campus with the help of students. In the last five years, the college planted hundreds of saplings. The present green campus is the outcome of the sincere efforts.
- To engage students various programs were organized to create green and clean atmosphere in the campus.
- The wet waste and dry leaves of plants are used for vermiculture which is in turn, used for gardening.
- Compost Units and dustbins have been installed for waste management and plastic free campus.
- Green Initiatives in college are student-driven. There are many active students in the Environment cell. This cell organized many events to raise awareness about environmental issues.
B) Conservation of Energy:
- In order to meet the requirements the resources are used economically which has resulted in minimum expenditure on fuel and electricity. This helps us to overcome reliance on erratic power supply. Following initiatives are employed in campus:
- Tube lights and bulbs have been replaced with CFL and LED lamps.
- Optimum power utilization is practiced.
- Compost Units and dustbins have been installed for waste management and plastic free campus.
C) Extension Lectures and Programs on Waste Management and Green Environment
- Extension Lecture on Segregation of Waste and Its Management
- Extension Lecture on Waste Management
- Extension Lecture on E-Waste Management
- Celebration National Tree Plantation Week
- Online Quiz on “Save Earth to Save Life”
- Celebration of Ozone Day
D) MOUs’